Birth Healing: making sense of where you've been and where you're going
Healing is a process, not an event. I can help you on your journey towards healing your birth story. I will support you to start making sense of what happened and how it fits into the story of your life. I work with you to find the healing potential of the experience, and discover what purpose the experience served. The healing potential is the treasure – your treasure – and it is there, waiting for you to claim it from the shadows of the darkest places. I am qualified in Birth Trauma Resolution, and practice Somatic Experiencing - a neurobiological approach to trauma and resilience building, based on the work of Dr Peter Levine. Please contact me if you would like more information about Birth Healing sessions.
Birth Debriefing A session to help you make sense of what happened during the birth of your baby, and how this may affect future pregnancies and births. This can be particularly helpful after a traumatic or disappointing birth or when things did not go as planned. Can be done with or without a copy of your hospital notes. A birth debriefing session usually lasts a couple of hours. Please call to discuss this further. Fee: £170
Birth Trauma Resolution Therapy A highly effective treatment accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and based on Human Givens trauma therapy techniques. Suitable for anyone who has experienced birth or birth related trauma or loss including miscarriage and termination of pregnancy. Suitable for anyone interested in working through any difficult or traumatic memories leftover from their birth no matter how recent or long ago. Works best as three sessions, each one lasting about an hour long, but sometimes another one or two sessions may be helpful. Please call to discuss further. Fee: £180 for 3 sessions
Somatic Experiencing (SE) Based on the work of Dr Peter Levine, this is a body-based psychotherapeutic approach for working with the effects of trauma. I use this powerful modality of working with the nervous system to support people with trauma, anger, disappointment and grief around their experiences of giving birth. SE works by helping to stabilise our nervous system, so that our capacity to be with difficult and painful emotional and physical experiences is expanded. When we meet these parts of ourself from a grounded, solid and resourced place, we have the possibility to re-negotiate what has occurred in the past and the energy that was bound-up in the body is released and freed-up - bringing with it a sense of aliveness, relaxation, and wholeness. Fee: £60 - £85 per hour
"There are no failures in birth, what ever happens is the birth – the birth of the baby and the birth of the new mother, or mother of two or three or four. Each birth experience holds gifts of insights for soul crafting. Not so hidden within the story of your experience are your fears and worries, your courage, your life patterns, and all that is playing out in your relationships. Birth will teach us what we need to learn about ourselves on our journey of life. Our children are our greatest teachers." - Jane Hardwicke Collings