Shamanic Midwifery: working with the transformative power of birth
"Shamanic drum journeying is like a self guided meditation into the unseen realms, or into the body, to the beat of the drum, for the purpose of seeking information and spiritual guidance that will contribute to and help situations in our ordinary here and now conscious reality." - Jane Hardwicke Collings
As deep inner experiences that are transformational, pregnancy and birth are shamanic experiences, whether they are experienced in this way or not. Consciously connecting with the shamanic dimensions of pregnancy can help us to connect with the inner aspects of this journey, and prepare for labour and birth at these deeper levels. Shamanic drum journeying in pregnancy takes you on an inner journey to deeper states of consciousness where you can receive messages and insights beyond your ordinary daily consciousness, and connect with your inner wisdom, inner knowing and inner guidance. It can be a great tool to help you connect with your unborn baby and your body and become aware of and clear any blockages in your womb, vagina and vulva. During a shamanic drum journey in pregnancy I can guide you with my drum to connect with your Power Animal for your birth or to connect with your womb and baby. I can help you decide what journey is best for you at this moment.
Journey to connect with you birth Power Animal In this journey I will guide you to connect with the Power Animal that has special gifts, qualities and wisdom for your journey in pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. By connecting with your Power Animal at this time, they can support you energetically and help you to bring their qualities into yourself and your birthing. Every animal has specific qualities they bring, and whoever shows up during your journey will be the right one, with the right gifts, lessons and wisdom to help you feel more confident and empowered for birth and motherhood journey. After you have connected with your Birth Power Animal, you can deepen your connection by learning more about them and the special medicine and gifts they bring and call them to be with you when you need them.
Journey to connect with your womb and baby In this journey I will guide you on a journey into your womb space to connect with your baby. This can be a powerful process and the connection formed often brings great healing and deeper levels of connection and trust. You may have specific questions, or simply want to connect. Useful information for the labour and birth can be accessed, including who should be present at the birth, what you may need to do to prepare and what the baby's name should be. Sometimes the messages you receive are clear, but often, similar to dreams they are symbolic or come as feelings or images. Just like birth and life, the key is in surrendering to the process, trusting the process and accessing deep inner knowing.
Shamanic drum journey costs £60. Please contact me for more information if you are interested in a shamanic drum journey in pregnancy.
"So often women feel disconnected from their babies and their own bodies and this process helps work toward healing or dealing with whatever it is that blocks that connection. Shamanic journeying during pregnancy offers great preparation for labour and birth as both are best approached from a similar altered state of consciousness." - Jane Hardwicke Collings