Lots of great resources to support you in your pregnancy, birth and parenting journey
Recommended reading: The Food of Love – Kate Evans Bump – Kate Evans Ten Moons: The Inner Journey of Pregnancy – Jane Hardwicke Collings Birthing from Within – Pam England Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering - Sarah J Buckley The Aware baby - Aletha Solter The Fourth Trimester - Kimberly Ann Johnson
The following books are all from AIMS: AIMS publications: https://www.aims.org.uk/shop Birthing your Placenta: The Third Stage Breech Birth: What are my option? Birthing Your Baby: The Second Stage Am I Allowed? Birth after Caesarean Induction of Labour: Making Informed Decisions Gestational Diabetes Vitamin K and the Newborn